Jumat, 10 Juni 2011

the campus condition pasca the demonstration 090611

The activities in campus are boycotted by the demonstrant caused by not yet getting explanation about the transparency of DPP..
The student  ill at ease.
they are confused what must they do..
the dean of economic faculty not yet give response about this fenomena..
my be only that i can give to you..
my activities tonight are MABIT at Nurul Ilmi but i will also come with brod Abbas to study about causality...

see you later..

Senin, 06 Juni 2011


akHirnya Punya bLog jga...
akHirnya ada wadah wadah untik menulis dan berbagi pengalaman hidup dengan banyak orang...
m'ga ajh bsa brmanFaat bg oRg banyk.. Amiin
wIsh you always Be happy....